Wednesday 18 June 2008

Men in Black - 6/17/2008

At last, someone remembered how to make a good summer movie!

With a clever, funny script and dead-on acting by title characters Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones at the heart of this hot weather gem, MIB gets it all just about right, succeeding at crossing the sci-fi and comedy genres where recent experiments like Mars Attacks! crashed and burned. Linda Fiorentino, almost unbilled in a great supporting role, also lends a fun sexiness to the film -- a picture in which the leads seem perfectly crafted for its stars.

While the plotline about chasing an interstellar bug around New York is a little spare (clocking in at around 90 minutes) and devoid of much sub-plot, it's so damn funny that you'll practically forget about all of that... another trick that recent offerings haven't pulled off. Also, make sure you stay to the end, wherein a surprisingly humble look at life is revealed... especially when you consider that this came from Hollywood.

Not your typical creamsicle.

See Also